Slaughterhouses, butcheries, or meat processing
Milk and dairy product processing
Fish processing
Breweries, wineries, or other beverage industries
Production of semi-finished or canned goods
Kitchens, canteens and fast food
Cosmetics, textiles, pulp
Chemical, petrochemical, metal processing or galvanizing industries
Land remediation, waste or wastewater treatment
Other industries
Process water is necessary in many production processes as a solvent. Water is recycled and reused for economic and environmental reasons. Oil, fats, floating solids, suspensions, sedimentation materials, and dissolved components need to be separated to ensure good and uniform water quality. Recovering a valuable product from water can be an additional objective.
– Extensive experience with lots of installed flotation units
– Made entirely of stainless steel
– Standard compact sizes for various applications
– Chemical treatment stage is optional